The "dream" presented is a dream of dr. Murdock Henderson who asked the presenters to present this on behalf of him as well.
We have indentified many issues with deaf children in South Africa, such as an increased decline, gang formations, etc.
These issues are dealt with in various ways. One is called the 'restorative justice', not the rules are important but it is the relationship between the child and who is the child in relationship with that is of importance. Other solutions are:
- Circle of courage model
- Social competency model (from the NL)
- Discipline programmes: merits/demerits
- Punishment: various techniques.
- Expulsion
- Drop out (solution is to make the life impossible for the child and then be lost in total or placed some where else).
Many of the students are lost to society. There are certain consequences to this:
- Inadequate schooling
- Social and self reflection (as a consequence depression)
- Decline in social skills (not any longer regulated and no sense of value)
- Lack of care
- Loss of purpose
- Incarceration
- Loss of identity
- Etc.
In most situations the interventions are successful. But there are students who are out of the system and are lost in society. Following the dream of Dr. Murdock Henderson is presented: the INTABA dream.
There are some facts presented on South Africa, such as there are 800.000 to 1.4 million Deaf people without mental health services. Currently there are 56.000 D/deaf people with mental health issues.
Intaba means 'mountain'. It has two boards INTABA international and INTABA RSA. Partners in Nambia:
There are four strategies that are within INTABA:
- offering an internship
- locate and secure funds for the acquisition of some land and facilities, such as land, a school and cottages
- working with the children
- adult programme with a focus on addiction, provided with medical staff such as psychiatrist
The first year we will need 6 to 7 million ZAR (excl. food and unforeseen), but following that more money will be needed to carry the project forward.
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