Thursday, 14 July 2011

WASLI educational guidelines presented

Deb Russel (Canada) and Rachel McKee (New Zealand) presented the newly developed interpreter educational guidelines.

This is a philosophical document to guide trainers to develop training in those countries who do not have any training programmes or those who would like to improve the existing programmes. Important is that the programmes are sensitive to working with other cultures, sensitive to work with deaf interpreters and that it has a sustainability.

Reps from those countries which helped develop the guidelines

The second part of the guidelines give more practical advise on how to develop training programmes. Five countries gave examples of their programmes: Kosovo, Mexico, Columbia, Kenya and New Zealand.

The model of the programme is a three stage model on how to develop training over a period of three years and how to develop local expertise and training. The model provides components of a training programme and how to develop these components.

The guidelines will be published on the WASLI website.

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